Entrepreneurship and Mental Well-being

“Entrepreneurship and Mental Well-being”
Project number: 2020-1-UK01- KA202-078921
Duration: 2020-09-01 – 2023-06-29
Development of practical and reflective learning material that supports and promotes Mental Well-Being (MWB) amongst entrepreneurs of Europe.
The purpose:
of the project is to address the concerning effect that entrepreneurship has on the mental health of entrepreneurs across Europe;
Project objectives:
1. Engage with entrepreneurs to identify the key areas where support is needed for the maintenance of mental health and work-life balance;
2. Identify European good practice and implement best and proactive practices of mental health support supported by published case study materials for disseminate to a range of target groups;
3. Assess effective approaches to ensure health and well-being that are practised in Europe and publish such findings throughout Europe;
4. Deliver training and awareness programmes covering all aspects of mental health and well-being to support new entrepreneurs;
5. Publish case study materials, teaching cases, training materials, fact sheets that support the mental health and well being of entrepreneurs to ensure 24/7 access.
Applicant and co-ordinator: PBB Ltd/ UK
Mediasphere/ UK
Stichting Avans/ NL
Odisee/ BE
University College Leuven & Limberg/ BE
Instituto de Empreenddorismo Social (IES), Cascais/ PT
Businet/ BE
Nordic EdTech/ EE
Erasmus+ project No. 2020-1-UK01- KA202-078921 “Entrepreneurship and Mental Well-being”" – ENTRE
The final conference of the ENTRE project, which will be held in Brussels, is very soon, so the partners continue to work diligently to successfully prepare for it.
On May 5th, the planned program was reviewed at the online meeting and the remaining tasks were discussed.
We remind you that registration for the event is already underway: https://www.cognitoforms.com/IESSocialBusinessSchool/RegistrationFormEntreMWBWellbeingForEntrepreneursBrussels23MAY2023
See you in Brussels!
Erasmus+ project “Entrepreneurship and Mental Well-being”" – ENTRE
No. 2020-1-UK01- KA202-078921
We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the ENTRE Final Conference on May 23rd in Brussels!
Register here: https://www.cognitoforms.com/IESSocialBusinessSchool/RegistrationFormEntreMWBWellbeingForEntrepreneursBrussels23MAY2023
The event is free and will be held in English.
We would like to remind you that one of the conference speakers will be entrepreneur Ronald Provoost from the Netherlands. During the conference, there will also be workshops that you can participate in and learn more about the project and the materials created by the project partners.
We invite you to register!

On February 6-7, ENTRE project partners organized an international meeting of project partners in Manchester, United Kingdom. During the meeting, they reviewed all the modules which are already created and discussed what improvements still need to be made. The partners also discussed how to further improve the ENTRE project website and make it more attractive. Besides, the partners have already started planning the program of the final conference to be held this spring. Finally, they agreed on the next steps of the project and the deadline for the completion of the works.

Erasmus+ project No. 2020-1-UK01- KA202-078921 “Entrepreneurship and Mental Well-being”" – ENTRE.
The partners of the ENTRE project had the last online meeting this year on the Zoom platform. During the meeting, the coordinator talked about the administrative issues, the project website was reviewed and the action plan for completing the development of modules and teaching cases was discussed as well. The partners also talked about the upcoming meeting in Manchester, which will take place in February next year.
Erasmus+ project No. 2020-1-UK01- KA202-078921 “Entrepreneurship and Mental Well-being" – ENTRE.
Last week partners from ENTRE project had a two-day transnational project meeting in
Leuven, Belgium.
During the meeting half of the team did final changes to the website of ENTRE project, they also discussed about the structure and content of modules already prepared by partners. At the same time, another half of the team carried out Bootcamp for future and existing
entrepreneurs by testing a teaching case. Afterwards students evaluated Bootcamp and their
comments were very positive.
At the end of the second day, partners discussed about next meeting in Manchester, upcoming Final
Conference and agreed on the next steps of the project.

Erasmus+ project No. KA202-1-UK01- KA202-078921 “Entrepreneurship and Mental Well-being" – ENTRE
Last week partners from ENTRE project had a two-day transnational project meeting in Porto, Portugal.
During the meeting partners discussed about the website of ENTRE project: its functionality, appearance and accessibility. Also, partners worked in small groups on development of modules and teaching cases for the website.
Moreover, it was discussed about upcoming Bootcamp in Belgium next month. Lastly partners agreed on the next steps of the project and chose dates of upcoming meetings.

Erasmus+ project No. KA202-1-UK01- KA202-078921
“Entrepreneurship and Mental Well-being”" – ENTRE
Yesterday ENTRE project partners had an online meeting on ZOOM.
Partners agreed on a few aspects related to the dissemination of the project.
They also talked about the extension of the project. A small discussion was held about modules which need to be created for the learning platform.
Moreover, it was agreed on dates of upcoming online meetings this summer.
This week partners from ENTRE project had a two-day project meeting in Portugal. Partners discussed about:
• administrative matters;
• topics for a tool which aims to provide simple and easily available 24/7 help for entrepreneurs facing psychological problems and obstacles;
• next steps of the project;
• future meetings.

January 10-14th we had an intensive time working on Erasmus+ project No. KA202-0C73A9C4 "Mental Well-Being and Burnout prevention for Entrepreneurs"
During this meeting, we discussed our tasks and results, made a plan regarding our new website, and moreover, created some goals for the following project implementation.

This week we had an intensive time working on Erasmus+ project No. KA202-0C73A9C4 "Mental Well-Being and Burnout prevention for Entrepreneurs"
During this meeting, we discussed our tasks and results, made a plan regarding our new website and moreover, created some goals for the following project implementation.
The project “Entrepreneurship and Mental Well-being” project number: KA202-0C73A9C4 is well under way…
This time, the results of a questionnaire survey and an online conference discussion were discussed. It is a pleasure that you actively participate in our events and continue to follow the progress of our projects.
We are starting to develop a tool that aims to provide simple and easily available 24/7 help for entrepreneurs facing psychological problems and obstacles.

After a long and fun holiday, we met again and continued the Erasmus+ project No. KA202-0C73A9C4 "Mental Well-Being and Burnout prevention for Entrepreneurs" activities.
This time:
👉 We discussed the results and feedback of the conference;
👉We have set new goals;
👉We planned tasks;
It was fun to see you again!👩💻

We are still receiving positive feedback about "Mental Well-Being and Burnout prevention for Entrepreneurs" conference which took place on July 2021.👩💻
It is gal to remember and enjoy the results of this event. The conference surprised with the large number of participants and active participation.
❗ This only confirms the Erasmus + no. KA202-0C73A9C4 "Entrepreneurship and Mental Well-being" relevance and raises even more debate for further research.

We are happy to announce event "Mental Well-Being and Burnout prevention for Entrepreneurs
How to maintain balance and strengthen vitality in challenging times" agenda
Date: 29th June 2021
Time: 3pm – 5.30pm (CEST)
You can enter event:
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 981 2637 1537
Passcode: 222634
#Entre #Erasmus #project #mental #wellbeing #mentalwellbeing #Entrepreneurs
On april was launched "Entrepreneurship and Mental Well-being" project website
Association "MINTIES BITĖS" participates in Erasmus + project no. KA202-0C73A9C4 Entrepreneurship and Mental Well-Being.
An international conference (June 29) is planned for the project. This event will be for entrepreneurs, individuals who are planning to start their own business or are interested to have one. We are looking for conference speakers. Delivery time - 15 min. in English, on the subject of entrepreneurship and mental well-being. If you agree to participate email us, we will discuss more detailed information!
There is also a survey of EU entrepreneurs, which can be found by clicking on the link: