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ENTER – Supporting marginalized young adults to enter labour market through innovative Career Mentoring Model

Asociacija MINTIES BITES in partnership with Eurotracs (France), Step by step (Iceland), APRICOT TRAINING MANAGEMENT LTD (UK), STANDO LTD (Cyprus), Association "To Preserve The Woman" (Bulgaria) ir Center za dopisno izobrazevanje Univerzum (Slovenia) from September 1, 2020 will start the new a two-year Erasmus+ KA204 project "ENTER – Supporting marginalized young adults to enter labour market through innovative Career Mentoring Model".


Project will support adult educators with an innovative career focused mentoring methodology for fostering the inclusion and employability of low skilled marginalized young adults; support adult educators to extend their services with innovative curricula and methodology for career mentoring and promote high-quality educational services in non-formal education institutions and organisations; seek to professionalise adult educators and enable them to support individual career development and aspirations of low skilled, unemployed young learners overcome skills mismatches in high demanding labour market.


The project is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ program.


Projekto rezultatai: 

Į karjerą orientuotos mentorystės gairės: ATSISIŲSTI

Mokomoji medžiaga suaugusiųjų švietėjams - mentoriams: 


The end of the project: 02/2023

Project news

On January 30, at Šiauliai Culture Centre, Asociacija MINTIES BITĖS organized the multiplier event of the Erasmus+ project "ENTER – Supporting Marginalized Young Adults to Enter Labour Market Through Innovative Career Mentoring Model” project No: 2020-1FR01-KA204-079859.

Seven organizations from France, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Iceland, Cyprus, Slovenia and Lithuania worked for more than two years to accomplish the set goal: to support adult educators with an innovative career focused mentoring methodology for fostering the inclusion and employability of low skilled marginalized young adults.

The developed methodology consists of:

• "Guidelines for Career-focused mentoring";

• "Training material for training of adult educators - mentors".

During the event, partner organizations were presented, experiences of implemented activities and memories about partner meetings were shared. The participants were introduced to the developed methodology, and at the end of the event, everyone worked in pairs to complete the practical task called "Just listen". At the end of the event, certificates were issued to all the participants.

We are happy that we have successfully completed the project and created a great methodology that you can use too!

We invite you to follow the news, because very soon you will be able to find the methodology on our website:

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ERASMUS+ Project “Supporting Marginalized Young Adults to Enter Labour Market Through Innovative Career Mentoring Model” No: 2020-1FR01-KA204-079859 – ENTER.

Yesterday, ENTER project partners participated in an online meeting on the Zoom platform. The Piloting summary report template was presented to the partners, which they will use to describe how the mentoring training and mentoring meetings went in their countries. The last face to face meeting of the project, which will take place in Paris in January, was also discussed, as well as upcoming multiplier events in all partner countries.

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ERASMUS+ Project “Supporting Marginalized Young Adults to Enter Labour Market Through Innovative Career Mentoring Model” No: 2020-1FR01-KA204-079859 – ENTER.

Yesterday, ENTER project partners had an online meeting on Zoom platform. In the beginning of the meeting partners had a short discussion about the transnational partner meeting in Varna (Bulgaria) which was held last month. Also, each partner gave updates about mentor trainings in their countries. Afterwards, partners went through the 4th newsletter prepared by partners from Bulgaria Association “To Preserve The Woman“. It was agreed that it needs some changes before publishing. Later, Virginie, project coordinator reminded everyone to prepare dissemination reports and communication plans.

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ERASMUS+ project „Supporting Marginalized Young Adults to Enter Labour Market Through Innovative Career Mentoring Model“ No:2020-1FR01-KA204-079859.

Last month the 3rd transnational meeting of ENTER project partners took place in Varna, Bulgaria.

Partners were warmly welcomed by a women's choir dressed in folk costumes at premises of Association "To preserve the Woman".

During the meeting partners had two workshops throughout which they discussed about mentors and their preparation to work with mentees, dissemination and sustainability of the project. It was

agreed on the date of last meeting in Paris which will be next year in January.

We would like to thank partners from Bulgaria for their hospitality!

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ERASMUS+ Project “Supporting Marginalized Young Adults to Enter Labour Market Through Innovative Career Mentoring Model” No: 2020-1FR01-KA204-079859 – ENTER.

Yesterday, ENTER project partners had an online meeting on the Microsoft Teams platform. All the partners have almost finished translating the “Training Material for training of adult educators-mentors”.

Also, during the meeting partners reviewed the agenda of upcoming face to face meeting in Bulgaria this September and discussed other details related to the project.

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ERASMUS+ Projektas „Pagalba marginaliam jaunimui įsidarbinti naudojant inovatyvų karjeros mentorystės modelį“ Nr: 2020-1FR01-KA204-079859 – ENTER.

Praėjusią savaitę ENTER projekto partneriai surengė nuotolinį susitikimą „Microsoft Teams“ platformoje. Partneriai jau beveik baigė versti „Į karjerą orientuotos mentorystės gaires“ į savo gimtąsias kalbas, o per rugpjūtį susitarė išversti ir “Mokomąją medžiagą suaugusiųjų švietėjams-mentoriams”.

Partneriai taip pat aptarė, rugsėjį vyksiančio susitikimo Bulgarijoje, dienotvarkę.

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Yesterday ENTER project partners had an online meeting on the Zoom platform. The partners were pleased that the C1 training held in the UK was a success and agreed to make the final changes to the “Training Material for training of adult educators-mentors”, so that they could start translating it into their own languages as soon as possible. Also, during the meeting, partners talked about the next project newsletter and the upcoming meeting in Bulgaria. They also agreed on the dates of further online meetings.


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Last week two of our team members participated remotly in C1 trainings organised by the partner organisation Apricot Ltd held in Loughborough, UK. They got trained to be trainers of the Self-Self-Awareness diagnostic tool for Career Mentoring. This tool will be used in the ERASMUS+ ENTER - Program to support marginalised young adults to enter the labour market.

These trainings took 3 days and even though our team members had to praticipate remotely these trainings were very interesting. They learned a lot of new things.

We would like to thank Apricot Ltd for wll organised trainings.


Praėjusią savaitę ENTER projekto partneriai surengė nuotolinį susitikimą Zoom platformoje. Susitikimo metu partneriai diskutavo apie “Mokomąją medžiagą suaugusiųjų švietėjams-mentoriams”. Džiaugiamės, kad metodika beveik pabaigta ir liko nedideli pataisymai. Susitikimo metu taip pat kalbėjome apie netrukus vyksiančius C1 mokymus Jungtinėje Karalystėje, kurių metu išbandysime metodologiją, kurią sukūrėme.


Kviečiame susipažinti su naujuoju "Pagalba marginaliam jaunimui įsidarbinti naudojant inovatyvų karjeros mentorystės modelį" NAUJIENLAIŠKIU!

ERASMUS+ Suaugusiųjų švietimo inovacijas remiančios strateginės partnerystės projektas

Projekto Nr. 2020-1FR01-KA204-079859 - ENTER


January 27th ENTER project partners had their first online meeting this year. It was mainly discussed about Training material for training of adult educators-mentors. Also, everyone agreed on new deadlines for the tasks to be done.



The partners of ENTER project had a successful two-days meeting in Iceland on 7-8 th of December.

It was agreed to do final changes for IO1, also partners shared the tasks for preparation of IO2.

Partners were happy to be able to see each other face to face for the first time and have such a productive meeting.

ENTER: Supporting Marginalized Young Adults to Enter Labour Market Through Innovative

Career Mentoring Model No:2020-1FR01-KA204-079859 – ENTER



2021 11 30

Good news! We are preparing for our 2nd partnership meeting which will take place in Iceland on the 7-8th of December!

Meanwhile, we invite you to read a few inspiring quotes about mentoring.

Shortly enough we will inform you how did our meeting go.

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ENTER: Supporting Marginalized Young Adults to Enter Labour Market Through Innovative Career Mentoring Model No:2020-1FR01-KA204-079859 – ENTER

On the 4th of October an online meeting with partners from France, Bulgaria, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Cyprus and Iceland was held. Partners had a discussion about Transnational meeting which will take place in Iceland and also about further steps of the project.


On the 21st of June an online project's "ENTER: Supporting Marginalized Young Adults to Enter Labour Market Through Innovative Career Mentoring Model" (No:2020-1FR01-KA204-079859) meeting with partners from France, Bulgaria, Slovenia, United Kingdom and Iceland was held.  Partners had a discussion about the draft of IO1. Also, further steps of the project were discussed


On the 12th of May an online meeting on the progress and development of IO1 with partners from France, Bulgaria and Cyprus was held.

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