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Erasmus+ project „Digital paths to motivate and include young 2nd generation migrants in employment – EMPLOY ME“ Project No. 2022-1-LT02-KA220-YOU-000089553.


Duration: 2022-11-01 – 2024-10-31

Acronym: EMPLOY ME


Project coordinator: Asociacija MINTIES BITÄ–S (Lithuania)


Connect Your City – Brussels (Belgium)



Asociación Valencia Inno Hub (Spain)


Institut pro regionální rozvoj, o.p.s. (Czech Republic)


EMPLOY ME partners aim to develop a new innovative form of training content that will empower unemployed young 2nd generation migrants to develop, enhance and improve their employability skills and competences and, therefore, to improve their competitiveness within the labor market. Ultimately, this procedure will lead to a successful integration of the young 2nd generation migrants into the local societies, creating an asset for the local community and economy.


EMPLOY ME project is expected to have significant results:

  • Improved and upgraded employability skills and competences of young unemployed 2nd generation migrants;

  • Enhanced opportunities for social inclusion and employability of the young 2nd generation migrants;

  • Enhanced capacity of youth workers, NGOs and other organizations working with and supporting young migrants to develop their employability skills and competences;

  • Increased quality in the education programs.


Project's website:


On the 9th of November, the partners of ERASMUS+ project "EMPLOY ME" Nr. 2022-1-LT02-KA220-YOU-000089553 held their monthly project meeting.


The aim of the meeting was to dive deeper into the positive outcomes of our partnership and to discuss the next tasks.


We are happy to share with you that the EMPLOY ME project has delivered great results, so don't forget to try our employability toolkit!


We feel more motivated than ever to continue working!


Second transnational project meeting of EMPLOY ME project partners ERASMUS+ project "Digital paths to motivate and include young 2nd generation migrants in employment" No. 2022-1-LT02-KA220-YOU-000089553 partners on June 28 met in Brussels to discuss the next tasks of the project.


-> At the beginning of the meeting, questions related to project management and dissemination of the project were discussed.

->Later, partners talked about the translations of the "Toolkit for Young 2nd generation migrants"

The development of the "Toolkit’s Handbook" and the piloting of the created learning materials in partner countries.


->At the end of the meeting, partners talked about the Work Package No. 3 and the first activities. These are the planning and development of the "Virtual Academy" and gamified and social engagement exercises.


We would like to thank our partners for a productive meeting and we look forward to starting the next tasks.


The partners of the ERASMUS+ project "EMPLOY ME" (No. 2022-1-LT02-KA220-YOU-000089553) continue their work!


On the 10th of September, as every month, the partners met on the ZOOM platform to discuss project-related issues. During the meeting, the finalisation of the "Toolkit’s Handbook" and the piloting of the "Toolkit for Young 2nd generation migrants " in the partner countries were discussed.


The partners also agreed on the second activity of Work Package No. 3, which is the development of gamified and social engagement exercises.


We invite you to follow the EMPLOY ME Facebook page here and visit the project website


After the summer holidays, the partners of the ERASMUS+ project "EMPLOY ME" No. 2022-1-LT02-KA220-YOU-000089553 are back on track!


On 4th of September, the partners had an online meeting on the Zoom platform. During the meeting they discussed about:


  • translation of the "Toolkit for Young 2nd generation migrants",

  • the finalisation of the "Toolkit’s Handbook",

  • the piloting of the created learning materials in partner countries.

At the end of the meeting, the partners discussed about the first activities of Work Package No. 3. These include the planning and development of "Virtual Academy" and gamified and social engagement exercises.

We invite you to follow the EMPLOY ME Facebook page here and visit the project website

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ERASMUS+ project „Digital paths to motivate and include young 2nd generation migrants in employment – EMPLOY ME“ (No. 2022-1-LT02-KA220-YOU-000089553) partners had one more online meeting on the Zoom platform.

During this meeting:


  • questions related to the project progress report were discussed,

  • upcoming meeting of partners in Brussels, which will take place next month,

  • dissemination of the project,

  • partners from Greece – Innovation Hive, informed that they have reviewed the learning content for the "Toolkit for young second-generation migrants" developed by the partners and reminded that they have to make improvements by June 12th.

We invite you to follow the EMPLOY ME Facebook account here


We invite you to read the first newsletter of the EMPLOY ME project!

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ERASMUS+ project „Digital paths to motivate and include young 2nd generation migrants in employment – EMPLOY ME“ (No. 2022-1-LT02-KA220-YOU-000089553) partners already had the 4th online meeting on the Zoom platform.

During this meeting:


  • questions related to the project management and upcoming interim report were discussed,

  • partners from Greece – Innovation Hive, informed that they have already reviewed the learning content for the “Toolkit for young second-generation migrants” developed by the partners and proposed the deadline for the additional improvements,

  • the 1st project newsletter, which will be published soon, was discussed,

  • the partners also discussed about the next face to face meeting in Brussels.

We invite you to follow the EMPLOY ME Facebook account here and visit the project website

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On March 7th, partners of the ERASMUS+ project „Digital paths to motivate and include young 2nd generation migrants in employment – EMPLOY ME“ (No. 2022-1-LT02-KA220-YOU-000089553) had the online meeting on the Zoom platform.


During this meeting:

  • questions related to project management were discussed,

  • each partner gave un update about the process of creating learning content for Toolkit for young second-generation migrants,

  • also partners discussed the date of the next face to face meeting in Brussels.


We invite you to follow EMPLOY ME Facebook account here and visit the project website

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Yesterday, the partners of the new ERASMUS+ project „Digital paths to motivate and include young 2nd generation migrants in employment – EMPLOY ME“ (No. 2022-1-LT02-KA220-YOU-000089553) had the first online meeting on the Zoom platform.


The following things were discussed during the meeting:

• tasks related to project management

• dissemination of the project

• EMPLOY ME website

• the first steps towards developing a Toolkit for Young 2nd generation migrants.


We invite you to follow EMPLOY ME Facebook account here and Instagram: employme_project

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We would like to share great news with you!


Asociacija MINTIES BITÄ–S started implementing and coordinating the new ERASMUS+ project „Digital paths to motivate and include young 2nd generation migrants in employment - EMPLOY ME“. Project No. 2022-1- LT02-KA220-YOU-000089553.


On December 1st the first meeting of partners took place in Prague. During the meeting, the project was presented, we talked about its management, also we discussed about project dissemination and upcoming activities.


You can read more about the project on our website

Stay tuned

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Ežero st. 8 -122




Tel. no. +370 600 76148



IM code. 302730937


MONDAY 8.00 - 17.00

TUESDAY 8.00 - 17. 00

WEDNESDAY 8.00 - 17. 00

THURSDAY 8.00 - 17. 00

FRIDAY 8.00 - 16. 00

LUNCH TIME 2.00 - 12.45


Asociacija Mintiesbites kuria, rengia ir įgyvendina projektus, kurie remiami Europos SÄ…jungos lÄ—šomis. Daugiau info: arba MINTIES BITÄ–S

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