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Gamification Activities and Methods for the Elderly‘s Support – G.A.M.E.S.


Project number: 2022-2-SK01-KA220-ADU-000092221


Duration: 2023-03-03 – 2025-03-02


About project:


The project is strategic partnership – ADU Education – only for staff, addressing ADU education challenges and phenomena across Europe.


G.A.M.E.S. tries to understand older adults’ perceptions of technology to assist them by introducing it to this population and maximize the potential of technology to facilitate independent living.


Project coordinator: Tota Agentura (Slovakia)




  1. Asociacija MINTIES BITÄ–S (Lithuania)

  2. V.E.M. Srls (Italy)

  3. KUTW (Poland)

  4. ICON Greece (Greece)

  5. LudusXR Aps (Denmark)

  6. GISAS (Romania)

  7. EduPlus (Portugal)

  8. Eurospeak Limited (Ireland)


G.A.M.E.S. main aims:


  • To equip the older members of our society with the skills needed to use technology and ICT in order to make easier their lives;

  • Introduce educational research on use of Gamification for Adult Education;

  • Provide elderly people with early exposure to digital skills and computational thinking;

  • To reach the inclusion of elderly people through the use of ICT for everyday life.




A Toolkit- “Gamification Activities and Methods for the Elderly’s Support”.

Policies Recommendations


„Gamification Activities and Methods for the Elderly‘s Support – G.A.M.E.S.“, project code: 2022-2-SK01-KA220-ADU-000092221.
In the first week of October, we took part in an LTTA in Braga, Portugal.


  • During the training we learned:

  • About advantages and disadvantages ICT based usages for elderly people

  • About how to Access ICT and Learn How to Use It

  • About everyday situations that can be improved with the use of ICT.

  • Main barriers and problems when elderly people use ICT.

  • Use of Gamification for elderly people.

  • We have tested two Gamification platforms:

  • Kahoot! That is widely used platform for creating and playing learning games and quizzes.

  • Duolingo. It is a language-learning platform, that uses gamification to make learning fun and engaging.


The Association MINTIES BITÄ–S has started a new ERASMUS+ project „Gamification Activities and Methods for the Elderly‘s Support – G.A.M.E.S.“, project code: 2022-2-SK01-KA220-ADU-000092221.


  • The first meeting took place on 13-14 April 2023 in Reggio Calabria, Italy, at the IC Bernardino Telesio High School.

  • The project involves 9 countries: Lithuania, Italy, Slovakia, Poland, Greece, Romania, Denmark, Portugal, Ireland.

  • During the first meeting:

  • We met the partners and their activities.

  • We presented the project, discussed the aims, objectives and results of the project and the activities we plan to implement.

  • We discussed the next project meetings, international seminars and multiplier events.

  • We had the opportunity to observe the students' STEM and Robotics activities, where they applied their knowledge to create an architectural object.

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